Sunday, April 27, 2008

Security for Wireless AD HOC Networks

The objective of this book is to make the readers aware of the fundamentals of the area of security of wireless networks as well as the open problems. This will hopefully spur much more activity in this area in the upcoming years. This book provides a broad and comprehensive overview of the research that has been done to date on the security of wireless ad hoc networks and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of the various schemes that have been proposed in the literature. This book will be of interest to a wide variety of people. A beginner in the field will benefit from a simple description of the various problems and solutions. Such a person will also gain by having a ready compendium of important results in this area thereby saving such a person from the problem of information overload. Thus, this book can be used as a textbook in the first class focusing on security in ad hoc networks.

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