Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Windows XP Hacks and Mods for Dummies

In the past fifteen years, Woody Leonhard has written more than computer books, drawing an unprecedented six Computer Press Association awards and two American Business Press awards. Woody was one of the first Microsoft Consulting Partners and is a charter member of the Microsoft Solutions Provider organization. He's widely quoted and reviled on the Redmond campus.Woody's Web site,, keeps an eye on the computer industry, covering the latest shenanigans from Microsoft, the best software for your computer, the worst pitfalls (and patches!) to avoid, updates to his books, and all the other information you need to keep your PC chugging away.Woody lives just this side of paradise in Phuket, Thailand, along with his most significant other, Add, and his son, Justin. Most mornings, you can find him jogging on Patong Beach with their beagle, Chronos, or sipping a latte at Khun Woody's Bakery. Drop by when you get a chance!

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